What to Do With Border Collie While at Work?

To keep your Border Collie entertained while you’re at work, consider hiring a dog walker or enrolling them in doggie daycare. Additionally, you can provide interactive toys and puzzle feeders to keep them mentally stimulated during the day.

Introduction (150 words): Leaving a Border Collie alone at home while you’re at work can be challenging, as this intelligent and energetic breed requires mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom and behavior issues. While they may be adaptable and independent, Border Collies thrive on human interaction and mental engagement.

So, what can you do to keep your furry friend happy and occupied while you’re away? This article will provide practical and effective solutions for addressing the needs of your Border Collie during your working hours. From hiring a dog walker or enrolling them in a doggie daycare to providing interactive toys and puzzle feeders, these strategies can help alleviate boredom and keep your Border Collie mentally stimulated throughout the day. By implementing these suggestions, you can ensure that your Border Collie remains content, well-exercised, and mentally engaged even when you’re not at home.

Arrange For Regular Exercise

One of the challenges many dog owners face is how to take care of their Border Collie while they are at work. To ensure your furry friend is happy and healthy, it is important to arrange for regular exercise. Taking your Border Collie for a morning walk provides them with the opportunity to stretch their legs, burn off excess energy, and stimulate their mind. Engaging in active playtime before you leave can also help tire them out and keep them entertained throughout the day. If you find it difficult to fit in enough exercise, consider hiring a dog walker or enrolling your Border Collie in doggy daycare. These options ensure that your dog gets the exercise they need, even when you are unable to be there.

Mental Stimulation To Beat Boredom

Keeping your Border Collie mentally stimulated is essential to preventing boredom while you’re at work. One way to do this is by providing interactive toys and puzzles that can challenge their problem-solving skills. These toys can include treat-dispensing puzzles or interactive games that require your dog to figure out how to access hidden treats. Additionally, teaching your Border Collie new tricks and commands during short training sessions can also be an effective way to keep their minds engaged. You can focus on teaching them basic obedience commands or more advanced tricks to keep things interesting. Finally, rotating their toys regularly can help to maintain their interest and prevent them from becoming bored with the same toys. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can help to ensure that your Border Collie stays mentally stimulated and entertained while you’re away.

Creating A Comfortable Environment

Creating a comfortable environment for your Border Collie while you’re at work is essential to ensuring their well-being and happiness. Designate a safe and secure area within your home where your dog can stay while you’re away. Provide them with comfortable bedding, and make sure they have access to fresh water throughout the day. To help create a calming atmosphere, consider utilizing calming aids such as soothing music or pheromone diffusers. These can help reduce anxiety and stress for your furry friend while you’re at work. It’s important to remember that Border Collies are highly intelligent and active dogs, so providing them with mental stimulation through toys or puzzles can also help alleviate boredom. By taking these steps, you can ensure your Border Collie is comfortable and content during your work hours.

Harness The Power Of Technology

Harness the Power of Technology

When it comes to managing your Border Collie while you are at work, technology can be your best friend. Use a pet camera to monitor your furry companion while you’re away. This interactive device allows you to check on your pet remotely and alleviate any worry or stress. Additionally, consider interactive toys or treat-dispensing devices to keep your Border Collie entertained and mentally stimulated throughout the day. These toys provide a great source of enrichment and prevent boredom. Moreover, automatic feeders can ensure that your pup receives regular meals even when you’re not around. These feeders can be programmed to dispense food at specific times, providing a routine and keeping your dog’s hunger at bay. By utilizing these technological solutions, you can keep your Border Collie happy, healthy, and entertained throughout the workday.

Enrichment Activities For Entertainment

When you’re at work and your Border Collie is stuck at home, it’s important to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated. One way to provide enrichment is to set up a scavenger hunt with treats or toys. This will engage their senses and keep them entertained as they search for hidden goodies.

In addition to a scavenger hunt, offering a variety of chew toys can help alleviate boredom. Border Collies are known for their intelligence and high energy levels, so providing them with appropriate toys to chew on can prevent destructive behavior.

Puzzle feeders are another great option for mental engagement. These toys require your Border Collie to problem-solve in order to access their food. It’s a fun and engaging way for them to use their brains and stay entertained while you’re away.

Establish A Consistent Routine

Establishing a consistent routine for your Border Collie is essential when you’re away at work to ensure their well-being and happiness. Stick to a regular schedule for feeding and outdoor breaks, making sure to establish specific times for each. This will help to create a sense of predictability and comfort for your dog. Plan interactive playtime sessions at designated times to keep them mentally stimulated and exercised. Creating a structured routine for transitioning between work and home is also important. This can include activities such as going for a short walk or playing a game before settling down. By establishing a consistent routine, you’ll provide your Border Collie with the structure and stability they need while you’re away at work.

Socialization And Playdates

When you’re at work and have a Border Collie, it’s important to ensure they stay socialized and engaged. One way to do this is by organizing playdates with other friendly dogs. This allows your collie to interact and play with their canine pals, promoting socialization and reducing boredom.

Enrolling your Border Collie in obedience classes or group training sessions is another great option. These activities not only provide mental stimulation but also help strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Your collie will learn important commands and skills while having fun.

Additionally, you can arrange for visits from a trusted pet sitter or neighbor. Having someone check in on your Collie while you’re at work ensures they receive attention and care. This can include playtime, walks, and feeding, keeping your pet happy and content throughout the day.

By following these suggestions, you can ensure your Border Collie remains socialized, engaged, and well-cared for while you’re at work.

Professional Training And Behavior Management

Seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can significantly help with managing the training and behavior of your Border Collie while you are at work. They can provide expert advice and tailored solutions to address separation anxiety through desensitization techniques. These techniques involve gradually increasing the duration of time your dog spends alone and rewarding calm behaviors.

Additionally, establishing clear boundaries and reinforcing positive behaviors are essential for managing your Border Collie’s behavior while you are away. Consistency is key to enforcing these boundaries. This can be done by using positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats or praise, when your dog exhibits desirable behaviors. Employing these strategies will help to ensure that your Border Collie remains well-behaved and content while you are at work.

F. A. Q. Of What To Do With Border Collie While At Work

How Do I Keep My Border Collie Busy During The Day?

To keep your Border Collie busy during the day, provide them with engaging toys and puzzles.

Can Border Collies Be Left Alone During The Day?

Yes, Border Collies can be left alone during the day as long as their physical and mental needs are met.

Can A Border Collie Be Left Alone For 5 Hours?

Yes, a Border Collie can be left alone for 5 hours without any issues.


Having a Border Collie while working can be a challenge, but with some thoughtful planning, you can ensure your furry friend is happy and content while you’re away. Remember to provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation before leaving for work.

Consider doggy daycare or hiring a dog walker if your schedule allows. Creating a safe and comfortable space for your Border Collie with toys, blankets, and access to water and food is essential. Establishing a routine and incorporating interactive toys or puzzles can keep your dog occupied and prevent boredom.

It’s crucial to remember that spending quality time with your Border Collie when you’re home will strengthen your bond and alleviate any separation anxiety. Whether it’s taking them on a long walk or engaging in training sessions, your presence and attention will benefit both you and your loyal companion.

With dedication and love, you can ensure your Border Collie is well taken care of while you’re at work.

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A professional blogger and Pet lover. I love to share pet related information with my audience.

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