Signs Your Dog Imprinted on You: Heartwarming Behaviors to Watch

Understanding the bond between you and your dog is important. Dogs can form strong connections with their humans.

Have you ever noticed your dog following you everywhere? Or maybe they seem to know your emotions before you do. These behaviors might indicate that your dog has imprinted on you. Imprinting is a special bond where a dog sees you as their primary caregiver and protector.

This bond can lead to unique behaviors that reflect their deep connection with you. In this blog post, we will explore the signs that show your dog has imprinted on you. Knowing these signs can help you understand and strengthen your relationship with your furry friend.

What Does Imprinting Mean?

Understanding the signs your dog imprinted on you can deepen your bond and ensure a happy, trusting relationship. But what does imprinting mean in the context of dogs? Imprinting is a form of learning where a young animal fixes its attention on the first large moving object it sees, often within a critical period after birth. This process is essential for the pet-owner connection, shaping how your dog interacts with you and the world.

What Is Imprinting?

Imprinting in dogs is a critical stage where puppies form strong attachments. This phenomenon is part of canine social behavior and helps puppies recognize their caregivers. During this stage, they learn to trust and rely on their human companions. It’s a crucial time for forming a strong pet-owner connection.

How Does Imprinting Occur?

Imprinting occurs during a sensitive period, usually between three to twelve weeks of age. Puppies observe and interact with their environment, learning from their experiences. They identify their primary caregiver, often imprinting on them. This early bonding influences their behavior and attachment throughout life.

Signs Your Dog Imprinted On You

Recognizing the signs of dog affection can help you understand if your dog has imprinted on you. Here are some key indicators:

  • Follows You Everywhere: Your dog may follow you from room to room, a sign of dog loyalty indicators.
  • Seeks Physical Contact: Regularly seeking cuddles or sitting close to you shows dog love signals.
  • Responds to Your Commands: A dog that listens to you and responds quickly is showing dog attachment signs.

Why Imprinting Matters

Imprinting plays a vital role in shaping your dog’s behavior and emotional attachment. A well-imprinted dog tends to be more confident and secure. They exhibit stronger signs your dog trusts you and are more responsive to training and social interactions.

Strengthening The Imprint

To strengthen the bond, engage in activities that encourage positive experiences. Consistent training, regular playtime, and affectionate interactions are essential. These actions reinforce the imprinting in dogs, ensuring a lasting and trusting relationship.

Signs Your Dog Imprinted on You: Heartwarming Behaviors to Watch


What Does It Mean When A Dog Imprints?

Dogs are known for their loyal and loving nature. But have you ever wondered about the deeper connection between you and your furry friend? Understanding the signs your dog has imprinted on you can reveal the strength of your bond. So, what does it mean when a dog imprints? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of dog imprinting behavior and discover how it manifests in your pet’s actions.

Dog imprinting behavior is a special process. It usually begins during a puppy’s early stages of development. This behavior means the dog forms a strong bond with a person or another animal. The connection is deep, and it often lasts a lifetime.

Canine Affection Signs

When a dog imprints, it shows various canine affection signs. These signs include following you around, seeking your attention, and showing excitement when you return home. Your dog may also prefer your company over others. This preference is a clear indicator of their emotional attachment in dogs.

Pet Loyalty Indicators

Pet loyalty indicators are another aspect of imprinting. Dogs that have imprinted on you will show unwavering loyalty. They may protect you from perceived threats and stay close during your times of need. This loyalty is a hallmark of the dog-human connection.

Dog-human Connection

The dog-human connection is profound in imprinted dogs. They communicate through body language, eye contact, and even vocalizations. This connection goes beyond basic training and obedience, reflecting a deeper understanding and companionship.

Dog Companionship Signs

Dog companionship signs are evident in imprinted dogs. They enjoy being by your side, whether you’re relaxing at home or taking a walk. This constant companionship is a sign of a happy dog and shows their need to be near you.

Signs Of A Happy Dog

Signs of a happy dog include wagging tails, relaxed body posture, and playful behavior. Imprinted dogs exhibit these signs more frequently around their favorite person. Their happiness is a direct result of their strong bond with you.

Canine Attachment Behaviors

Canine attachment behaviors are clear indicators of imprinting. These behaviors include leaning on you, resting their head on your lap, and seeking your comfort. These actions signify their trust and love for you.

Dog Bonding Signs

Dog bonding signs are numerous and varied. They include licking your face or hands, bringing you toys, and sleeping near you. These signs demonstrate the emotional attachment in dogs and their desire to be close to you.

Emotional Attachment In Dogs

Emotional attachment in dogs is evident when they show distress in your absence and joy upon your return. This attachment is a strong indicator of their love and bond with you.

Signs Of Dog Love

Signs of dog love are easy to spot. They include tail wagging, excited greetings, and a gentle demeanor. These signs reflect the deep affection your dog feels for you, solidifying your special bond.

What Are The Signs Your Dog Imprinted On You?

Understanding whether your dog has imprinted on you is essential for building a strong bond with your furry friend. Imprinting behavior in pets, especially dogs, shows how deeply they connect with you. Discovering the signs your dog has imprinted on you can help you understand their loyalty and attachment. Here are some key indicators that your dog considers you their special person.

1. Follows You Everywhere

A significant sign of dog loyalty is your dog following you everywhere. This behavior indicates a deep emotional bond with your dog. They feel secure and happy when they are near you.

2. Seeks Physical Contact

Dogs show affection in many ways. One of the most common canine bonding indicators is seeking physical contact. Whether they lean against you, sit on your lap, or cuddle, these are clear signs of affection in dogs.

3. Happy Greetings

Observe your dog’s reaction when you come home. If they greet you with wagging tails, excited jumps, or happy barks, these are dog attachment signs. This behavior shows they missed you and are happy to see you.

4. Protective Behavior

Imprinting behavior in pets often includes protective actions. If your dog acts defensively around strangers or other animals, they are showing their loyalty. They see you as part of their pack and want to keep you safe.

5. Eye Contact

Direct eye contact is a powerful sign of trust and love. When your dog gazes into your eyes, it’s a strong pet owner connection. It shows they feel comfortable and bonded with you.

6. Mimicking Your Actions

Dogs often mimic the actions of those they are attached to. If your dog copies your behaviors, such as yawning when you do, it’s a sign of their strong emotional bond with you.

7. Following Commands

Dogs that have imprinted on you are eager to please. They will listen to your commands and try to follow them. This obedience is a clear understanding of dog emotions and attachment.

8. Prefers Your Company

Notice if your dog prefers to be with you rather than with others. This preference is a strong dog behavior cue indicating they have imprinted on you. They find comfort and joy in your presence above all else.

Dog Loyalty SignsDog Behavior Cues
Follows you everywhereSeeks physical contact
Happy greetingsProtective behavior
Eye contactMimicking your actions
Following commandsPrefers your company
Signs Your Dog Imprinted on You: Heartwarming Behaviors to Watch


Body Language Cues

Understanding the signs your dog has imprinted on you can strengthen your bond and improve communication. Dogs show affection and loyalty through various body language cues. Recognizing these cues helps you understand their feelings and responses. Let’s explore key body language signs that indicate a strong emotional connection with your furry friend.

Tail Wagging

Tail wagging is a clear indicator of your dog’s emotions. The way your dog wags its tail can reveal much about its feelings towards you. A dog that has imprinted on you will often display specific tail wagging behaviors, such as:

  • High and Rapid Wagging: Indicates excitement and happiness when they see you.
  • Wide Sweeping Wags: Shows a calm and relaxed state, often seen when they are comfortable around you.
  • Slow Wagging: Reflects cautious behavior but still signifies affection and interest.

In addition to these, the position of the tail can also provide insights into your dog’s emotions. For instance:

Tail PositionMeaning
High and StiffAlert and confident, often seen when protecting you.
Low and WaggingSubmissive but happy, showing trust and attachment.
Tucked Between LegsFear or anxiety, but they seek comfort from you.

Recognizing these tail wagging patterns helps you understand your dog’s emotional state and strengthens your dog owner relationship.

Ears Position

The position of your dog’s ears is another important dog communication cue that indicates their feelings. Dogs use their ears to express emotions and react to their environment. When a dog has imprinted on you, their ear positions can reveal signs of affection and loyalty:

  • Ears Forward: Indicates interest and attention, often seen when they are focused on you.
  • Ears Relaxed: Shows that they are comfortable and at ease in your presence.
  • Ears Pulled Back: Reflects submission and a desire to please you.

In addition, understanding the subtle changes in ear positions can help you gauge your dog’s emotions:

Ear PositionMeaning
Perked UpAlert and curious, often looking for your cues.
FlattenedFearful or anxious, seeking reassurance from you.
Neutral and RelaxedContent and secure, showing canine attachment.

Observing your dog’s ear positions helps you understand their dog behavior better. It also enhances your emotional connection with pets, leading to a stronger dog owner relationship.


When a dog imprints on you, it develops a deep bond and shows affection in various ways. One of the key indicators is through vocalizations. Dogs use barking and whining to communicate their feelings and needs. Understanding these sounds can help you recognize if your dog has imprinted on you.

Barking Patterns

Dogs bark for many reasons, but the patterns can reveal their attachment to you. Here are some signs to look for:

  • Greeting Barks: If your dog barks excitedly when you come home, it shows joy and anticipation.
  • Attention-Seeking Barks: Short, frequent barks can indicate your dog wants your attention. This is a sign of imprinting.
  • Protective Barks: Low, growling barks when strangers approach show your dog feels the need to protect you.

These barking patterns often come with other body language cues. For example, wagging tails, jumping, or even a play bow can accompany greeting barks. Attention-seeking barks might be coupled with pawing at you or bringing toys. Protective barks usually come with a stiff posture and focused gaze.

Understanding these patterns helps you respond appropriately. For instance, greeting barks can be met with affection, while attention-seeking barks might need you to engage in play or petting. Recognizing protective barks can help you manage your dog’s behavior around strangers.

Whining Sounds

Whining is another vocalization that can indicate your dog has imprinted on you. Here’s how to interpret these sounds:

  • Separation Whining: If your dog whines when you leave, it shows anxiety and a strong attachment.
  • Comfort-Seeking Whining: Soft whining when close to you can indicate your dog seeks comfort and security from you.
  • Attention Whining: Persistent, high-pitched whining often means your dog wants something from you, like food or a walk.

These whines can be more than just sounds. Separation whining might be accompanied by pacing, scratching at the door, or destructive behavior. Comfort-seeking whining often includes snuggling close to you or resting their head on you. Attention whining could come with nudging, staring, or even barking.

Responding to these whines is crucial. Comfort your dog during separation anxiety with calming techniques. Offer reassurance when they seek comfort. Address their needs when they whine for attention, but avoid reinforcing demanding behavior.

Recognizing and understanding these vocalizations can deepen your bond with your dog. It shows you care about their feelings and needs. It’s a crucial part of nurturing a happy, healthy relationship.

Physical Affection

As a dog owner, understanding the bond you share with your furry friend is essential. One of the most significant indicators that your dog has imprinted on you is through physical affection. Dogs express their love and attachment in various ways. Recognizing these signs can help you understand the depth of your relationship with your pet.

Cuddling Behavior

One of the most heartwarming signs that your dog has imprinted on you is their cuddling behavior. Dogs often seek warmth and comfort by snuggling up close to their favorite human. This behavior shows their trust and love.

Here are some common cuddling behaviors to watch for:

  • Sleeping on your lap: Dogs feel safe and secure when they sleep on your lap. This indicates a strong bond.
  • Following you to bed: If your dog insists on sleeping beside you, it means they feel a deep connection.
  • Resting their head on you: This gentle gesture shows their affection and dependence on you.

Additionally, dogs may exhibit specific body language during cuddling:

Relaxed postureIndicates trust and contentment
Slow blinkingShows comfort and relaxation
Gentle sighsReflects a sense of peace and happiness

Observing these behaviors can reassure you of your dog’s affection. Cuddling is a clear sign that they see you as part of their pack and feel safe with you.

Licking And Nuzzling

Another significant sign of your dog’s imprinting is their tendency to lick and nuzzle you. These actions are ways dogs show love and care.

Consider these common behaviors:

  • Licking your face or hands: Dogs lick to show affection, much like how they would groom a pack member.
  • Nuzzling against you: This behavior signifies seeking closeness and reassurance.
  • Gentle nudges: These nudges are requests for attention and a way to express fondness.

Each of these actions has a specific meaning:

LickingShows affection and trust
NuzzlingIndicates a desire for closeness
Gentle nudgingReflects a need for attention

These behaviors highlight the bond you share with your dog. Licking and nuzzling are clear indicators that your dog has imprinted on you. They see you as a trusted companion and a source of comfort.

Following You

Signs Your Dog Imprinted on You and Following You…

Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship. One clear sign that your dog has imprinted on you is if they follow you around. This behavior can be both endearing and a little puzzling. Let’s dive into the details of this adorable behavior.

Shadowing Behavior

Does your dog follow you from room to room? This shadowing behavior can be a strong sign of imprinting. When dogs see you as their leader and primary source of comfort, they naturally want to stay close. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Bathroom trips: Your dog waits outside or follows you in.
  • Kitchen activities: They stay close while you cook or clean.
  • Relaxation times: Your dog lies beside you when you watch TV.

In essence, dogs that shadow you are displaying trust and attachment. They want to be part of your daily activities. This behavior reflects their pack mentality, where staying close to the leader is crucial for safety and social bonding. Understanding this can help you appreciate your dog’s need for closeness.

Seeking Proximity

Another sign of imprinting is your dog’s need to be near you at all times. This goes beyond just following you around; they actively seek your proximity. Here are some examples:

  • Sleeping arrangements: Your dog prefers to sleep near you or in your bed.
  • Sitting positions: They sit or lie down at your feet whenever you are seated.
  • Outdoor activities: During walks, they stay close to your side.

Dogs that seek proximity often feel secure when they are near you. This behavior is their way of saying they feel safe and protected. It can also indicate that they see you as a source of comfort. So, the next time your dog cozies up to you, know that it is their way of expressing deep attachment and trust.

Playful Interactions

Does your dog seem to have a special bond with you? One way to tell if your dog has imprinted on you is through their playful interactions. Dogs that feel a deep connection with their owners will often engage in specific playful behaviors that signify their attachment. These interactions are not just fun; they are signs of trust and love.

Initiating Play

One of the most noticeable signs that your dog has imprinted on you is when they initiate play. Dogs often start playful activities to express their happiness and affection. Here are some ways your dog might initiate play:

  • Play Bow: Your dog lowers their front legs while keeping their rear end up. This classic pose means they are ready to have fun.
  • Barking: Short, excited barks can be an invitation to play.
  • Running in Circles: Sometimes, dogs will run around you in circles to get your attention and encourage you to join in the fun.

These playful behaviors are not just cute; they are ways your dog communicates their desire to spend quality time with you. Understanding these signals can strengthen your bond and create more enjoyable moments together. If your dog often initiates play with you, take it as a sign that they feel a special connection with you.

Bringing Toys

Another clear sign that your dog has imprinted on you is when they bring you their favorite toys. Dogs do this to share their joy and to engage you in their world. Here are some reasons why your dog might bring you toys:

SharingYour dog wants to share their favorite things with you, showing they trust you.
Seeking AttentionBringing a toy is a way to get your attention and engage you in play.
Showing AffectionIt’s a sign of love and affection, indicating they see you as part of their pack.

When your dog brings you toys, it’s their way of saying they enjoy your company and want to include you in their fun. Responding positively to this gesture can reinforce their feelings of attachment and strengthen your bond. So, next time your dog drops a toy at your feet, remember it’s a sign of their deep connection to you.

Protective Instincts

Ever wondered if your dog sees you as their true companion? One clear sign is their protective instincts. Dogs who have imprinted on you will go above and beyond to keep you safe. They show heightened awareness and even place themselves between you and perceived threats.

Alertness To Strangers

Dogs are naturally vigilant. But a dog that has imprinted on you will be extra alert when strangers are around. They watch every move, listening for unusual sounds. This heightened alertness serves as a protective measure.

Here are some signs of this alertness:

  • Barking at unfamiliar people: Your dog may bark loudly when they see someone new.
  • Standing guard: They often position themselves near you, watching the stranger closely.
  • Pacing: Some dogs walk back and forth, showing their concern.

Such behaviors show their dedication to your safety. It’s their way of saying they will protect you no matter what. Dogs are intuitive creatures. They can sense your emotions. If you feel uneasy around someone, your dog will likely pick up on this and become more alert.

Body Blocking

Body blocking is another sign your dog has imprinted on you. This occurs when your dog places themselves between you and a perceived threat. They use their body to shield you.

Common body blocking actions include:

  • Standing in front: Your dog stands directly in front of you, blocking access.
  • Leaning against you: They lean their body against you, providing a sense of security.
  • Moving with you: As you move, they adjust their position to stay between you and the threat.

These actions show their strong bond and desire to protect. Body blocking behaviors can be seen in various situations. For example, if someone they don’t know approaches you quickly, your dog might step in front of you. This is their way of ensuring your safety.

In essence, dogs that body block are showing their commitment to your well-being. It’s a clear sign they have imprinted on you and see you as their priority.

Signs Your Dog Imprinted on You: Heartwarming Behaviors to Watch


Eye Contact

Dogs are known for their loyalty and deep connections with their humans. One of the most revealing signs that your dog has imprinted on you is through eye contact. Dogs communicate a lot through their eyes. By understanding their gaze, you can see the bond you share.

Soft Stares

A dog that has imprinted on you will often give you soft stares. These are not the intense, unblinking stares of a dog on alert. Instead, they are gentle and calm. Your dog may look at you with relaxed eyes, showing trust and affection. Here are some ways to identify soft stares:

  • Relaxed eyelids: The eyes are not wide open. They appear at ease.
  • Soft facial expression: The dog’s face looks calm, with no tension around the eyes.
  • Long duration: Your dog holds the gaze for a few seconds, showing they feel comfortable.

Such stares often happen during quiet moments. Maybe while you’re reading a book or watching TV. Your dog will look at you as if to say, “I trust you.” This bond is similar to the way humans share intimate moments. Dogs also release oxytocin, the love hormone, during these eye contacts. This strengthens your bond.

Frequent Glances

Dogs that have imprinted on you will often glance at you. These glances are quick and frequent. Your dog is checking in on you, ensuring you’re there and safe. This behavior is a sign of attachment and awareness. Here are some typical situations where you might notice frequent glances:

  1. During walks: Your dog looks back at you while exploring.
  2. In new environments: Your dog seeks your reassurance with quick glances.
  3. While playing: Your dog checks to see if you’re watching or ready to join.

Frequent glances show that your dog is mentally connected to you. They want to know your reactions and stay in sync. This behavior is a clear sign of imprinting. It means your dog values your presence and feels secure with you.

Understanding these eye contact behaviors can deepen your relationship. It shows the special bond you share. Pay attention to these signs. They reveal the love and trust your dog has for you.

Response To Commands

One of the signs that your dog has imprinted on you is their response to commands. Dogs that have a strong bond with their owner are more likely to listen and respond quickly to instructions. This behavior is a clear indication of trust and attachment. Let’s explore how quick reactions and eager participation signify that your dog has imprinted on you.

Quick Reactions

A dog that has imprinted on you will often have quick reactions to your commands. This means they respond almost immediately when you call their name or give a command. Here are some signs of quick reactions:

  • Immediate Response: Your dog stops what they are doing and looks at you when you speak.
  • Attentive Ears: Their ears perk up as soon as they hear your voice.
  • Prompt Obedience: They follow commands like sit, stay, or come without hesitation.

These quick reactions are a sign that your dog trusts you and feels a strong connection. They are eager to please you and follow your lead. This behavior shows that your dog sees you as their primary source of guidance and safety.

Eager Participation

Another sign that your dog has imprinted on you is their eager participation in activities you initiate. They are excited to join you, whether it’s for a walk, playtime, or training sessions. Here are some indicators of eager participation:

  • Excitement: Your dog wags their tail and shows enthusiasm when you suggest an activity.
  • Following: They follow you around the house, wanting to be near you at all times.
  • Engagement: During play or training, they stay focused on you and what you’re doing.

Your dog’s eager participation demonstrates their desire to be with you and be a part of whatever you are doing. This eagerness is a sign of a strong bond and shows that your dog feels happy and secure in your presence.

Can Dogs Imprint On Humans?

Have you ever wondered if your dog has a special bond with you? You might have noticed certain behaviors that make you think your dog has imprinted on you. Imprinting is a concept often discussed with animals, and it can be fascinating to see if it applies to your furry friend. Let’s explore the signs that show your dog has imprinted on you and whether dogs can imprint on humans.

Imprinting is a strong bond formed between an animal and its caregiver. This bond is crucial for the animal’s development and survival. But can dogs imprint on humans? The answer is both yes and no. While dogs do not imprint in the same way birds or some mammals do, they form deep, lasting bonds with their owners.

Understanding Imprinting In Dogs

Imprinting in dogs is not as rigid as in other animals. Dogs are social creatures and their bond with humans is more about attachment and companionship. This bond grows over time through shared experiences, training, and daily interactions.

Signs Your Dog Has Imprinted On You

Identifying if your dog has imprinted on you can be exciting. Here are some common signs:

  • Following You Everywhere: Your dog tends to follow you from room to room.
  • Separation Anxiety: Your dog gets anxious when you leave the house.
  • Eye Contact: Your dog maintains eye contact with you, seeking your approval and attention.
  • Preference: Your dog prefers to be near you rather than other family members.
  • Comfort Seeking: Your dog seeks comfort from you when scared or anxious.
  • Excitement: Your dog shows excitement when you come home, even after a short absence.

Why This Bond Is Important

The bond between you and your dog is vital. It enhances your dog’s emotional well-being and fosters trust. A strong bond can lead to better behavior, training, and overall happiness for both you and your dog.

How To Strengthen This Bond

Want to strengthen your bond with your dog? Here are some tips:

  1. Spend Quality Time: Engage in activities like walking, playing, or training together.
  2. Consistent Training: Use positive reinforcement techniques to build trust.
  3. Provide Comfort: Be there for your dog during stressful times.
  4. Understand Their Needs: Pay attention to your dog’s needs and preferences.
  5. Show Affection: Regularly pet, cuddle, and talk to your dog.

Building and maintaining a strong bond with your dog requires time, patience, and understanding. The rewards of such a bond are immense, bringing joy and companionship to both of you.

Can Dogs Imprint On More Than One Person?

Dogs are known for their strong bonds with humans. When a dog imprints on you, it means they see you as their primary caregiver and source of comfort. But can a dog imprint on more than one person? Let’s explore this fascinating aspect of canine behavior.

Can Dogs Form Bonds With Multiple People?

Yes, dogs can form strong bonds with more than one person. They are social animals and thrive in family environments. Each bond can be unique, reflecting the interactions and experiences shared with each individual.

Factors Influencing Multiple Imprints

Several factors can influence a dog’s ability to imprint on multiple people:

  • Exposure: Dogs need regular interaction with each person to develop strong bonds.
  • Positive Experiences: Positive reinforcement and shared activities can strengthen these bonds.
  • Consistency: Consistent behavior from each person helps the dog feel secure and loved.

Signs Your Dog Has Imprinted On Multiple People

How can you tell if your dog has imprinted on more than one person? Look for these signs:

  • They show affection to multiple family members.
  • They seek comfort from different people.
  • They follow more than one person around the house.

Table: Comparison Of Imprinting Behaviors

BehaviorSingle ImprintMultiple Imprints
AffectionFocuses on one personShared among several people
Comfort SeekingSeeks comfort from one personSeeks comfort from multiple people
FollowingFollows one personFollows different people

Tips For Encouraging Multiple Imprints

To encourage your dog to imprint on multiple people, try these tips:

  1. Spend quality time with your dog.
  2. Share responsibilities like feeding and walking.
  3. Engage in fun activities together.

Understanding these aspects of dog behavior can help you foster a loving, multi-person bond with your furry friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know If My Dog Imprinted On Me?

A dog that imprinted on you will follow you everywhere. They seek constant companionship, prefer your company, and show signs of deep attachment.

What Behaviors Show A Dog Has Imprinted?

Behaviors include following you closely, leaning on you, making eye contact, and showing excitement when you return.

Can A Dog Imprint On More Than One Person?

Yes, dogs can imprint on multiple people. However, they usually form the strongest bond with one individual.

At What Age Do Dogs Imprint?

Dogs typically imprint during their critical socialization period. This period is usually between 3 to 16 weeks of age.


Recognizing your dog’s imprinting can strengthen your bond. Notice their behavior closely. Look for signs like following you everywhere. Enjoy their constant companionship and affection. Your dog trusts you deeply. This connection brings joy and mutual understanding. Cherish these moments with your furry friend.

Your bond with your dog is special. Appreciate the loyalty and love they show. Happy dog parenting!

Sharing Is Caring:

A professional blogger and Pet lover. I love to share pet related information with my audience.

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